Common Names:- Elder
Synonyms:- Sambucus florida.
Meaning:- Sambucus (L) Latin for the elder tree.
Nigra (L) Black.
General description:- Shrub or small tree , with brownish-grey, grooved or
furrowed (sulcate), corky bark and whitish pith.
a) up to 10 m.
b) often with vigorous, erect shoots from the base.
c) branches often arching.
1) Leaflets:
a) 5-7(-9), 4·5-12(-18) x 2-6(-10) cm.
b) ovate, ovate-lanceolate or ovate-elliptical, narrowing gradually to a point.
c) margins saw-toothed (serrate).
d) sparsely pubescent beneath.
2) Stipules absent or very small, awl-shaped (subulate).
1) Inflorescence 10-24 cm diam.
a) corymbose, with (4-)5 primary rays.
2) Corolla:
a) white.
b) anthers, yellowish-white.
1) A drupe:
a) with 3-5 compressed, cartilaginous pyrenes.
b) globose.
c) black (very rarely red).
key features:-
1) Shrub or small tree.
2) Stipules absent or very small.
3) Inflorescence corymbose.
4) Fruit usually black.
5) Pith whitish.
Habitat:- Damp woodland, gorges, scrub along streams, ruderal habitats by
villages. 0-1200 m.
Distribution:- Fairly widespread and common throughout the Mediterranean.
Widespread in Europe, also cultivated. Rare on Crete, mainly in the east. Most
probably seriously under recorded.
Flowering time:- Late Apr to July.
Photos by:- Steve Lenton